Join Our Network

Health and Wellbeing Network

The VCFSE Health and Wellbeing network is one of a number of specialist networks facilitated by Community Action Suffolk for the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector in Suffolk. This network complements our Health and Wellbeing work.

News and information about health issues in Suffolk

Our VCFSE Health and Wellbeing network supports the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board representatives (see below). Its regular meetings allow you to have direct input to Suffolk’s Suffolk’s Health and Wellbeing Board agenda. We send a monthly Health and Wellbeing newsletter to the network providing updates on national, regional and local policies, changes to county services and news about other meetings and forum.

There is a complex web of partnerships and forums in Suffolk, which oversee services addressing health and wellbeing. CAS seeks to draw information from them, to champion VCFSE representation and open up discussion.

How to join the VCFSE Health and Wellbeing network

This network is open to all VCFSE sector organisations. You will receive email updates when we have relevant news and information to share and occasional updates if urgent items need circulating, including a monthly Health and Wellbeing newsletter. You will receive agendas and notes for the Health and Wellbeing network meetings. The network meets in advance of Health and Wellbeing Board.

Purpose of the Health and Wellbeing network

  • To provide a reference group for the VCFSE sector representatives on the Suffolk Health and Wellbeing Board and other key strategic health meetings e.g. Alliance, ICS Board – providing feedback on the Board agenda              
  • To provide a forum in which to raise issues for VCFSE sector organisations around health and wellbeing
  • A place in which to engage with key partner agencies who offer services and activities to improve the health and wellbeing of Suffolk residents

The network also invites guests around specific issues and updated information. Last year there were presentations on the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy, Suffolk All Age Carers Strategy, ICA Delivery Plan, Better Care Fund etc.

Meetings for the VCFSE Health and Wellbeing network

2024 Meetings

  • Tuesday 16 January 2024 – 9.30am via teams
  • Tuesday 12 March 2024 – 9.30am via teams
  • Tuesday 14 May 2024 – 9.30am via teams
  • Tuesday 16 July 2024 – 9.30am via teams – cancelled
  • Tuesday 17 September 2024 – 9.30am via teams
  • Tuesday 12 November 2024 – 9.30am via teams

VCFSE representation at other strategic meetings

Name VCFSE Representative What it does?Partner
Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) Suffolk and North East Essex (covers West Suffolk, Ipswich/ East Suffolk & NE Essex)

VCFSE Assembly Chair
Hannah Reid

Kirsten Alderson
An Integrated Care Partnership joins up all parts of the health and care system including GPs, hospitals, community care and social care as well as physical and mental health services.Our partnership includes all NHS organisations within the system, local government, other health sector bodies, local hospices, ambulance service and other community and voluntary sector organisations. Leadership for the system is drawn from across these local stakeholders.
Ipswich and East Suffolk Alliance     Kirsten Alderson Transformation and integration of health and social care Ipswich Hospital; Suffolk County Council; Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust and Suffolk GP Federation, working with Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG  
West Suffolk Alliance   Jon Neal and Hannah ReidOur belief is that by working together in an Alliance we can have an impact on wellbeing, care and physical and mental health outcomes for people.   Suffolk County Council West Suffolk Foundation Trust The Suffolk GP Federation Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (mental health services) West Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group
Integrated Care System (ICS) Norfolk and Waveney   Norfolk and Waveney VCFSE  Assembly
Chair – Emma Ratzer
Integrated working across physical, social and mental health, delivering holistic care, improved patient experience and better outcomes.   Information on partners see link below:
VCFSE Assembly Steering Group Norfolk and Waveney   Hannah Reid Strengthen the relationships between the broad range of voluntary, community and social enterprise groups and organisations operating across Norfolk and Waveney, with local health and social care commissioners and providers. Voluntary Norfolk, Momentum, Community Action Norfolk, Community Action Suffolk and the statutory partners of the Norfolk and Waveney Health and Care.
Suffolk Mental Health CollaborativeJon Neal
The Suffolk Mental Health Committee has existed for a while but there are plans to move to a new model – the Suffolk Mental Health Collaborative.
As a system it has been agreed that the Collaborative:
• Is decision making
• A system forum
• All age
• End to end spanning prevention through to secondary care
• Will initially be convened by the SNEE ICB
• Core membership will be relatively small but will include VCFSE
• Will develop over time and in phases
• Pay careful attention to culture and values
• Will be innovative      

Contact Information

Hannah Reid, CAS Chief Executive
Email: [email protected]

Carol Eagles, Chair – VCFSE Health and Wellbeing Network
Email: [email protected]

Belinda Couldridge, EA to CAS Chief Executive & ET
Email: [email protected]

VCFSE sector representation on the Suffolk Health and Wellbeing Board

Your VCFSE sector representatives are elected by VCFSE sector representatives sit on the Suffolk Health and Wellbeing Board for three years.

Board Member: Carol Eagles (Citizens Advice West Suffolk)
[email protected]

Deputy Board Members: Jon Neal (Suffolk Mind) and Karen Points (Abbeycroft Leisure)


Annual Public Health Report 2020 ‘A Time to Change: Working Towards Better Health for All in Suffolk’

Annual Public Health Reports

The State of Suffolk Report 2019

Joint Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy Refresh Strategy 2019-2022

Suffolk Prevention Strategy 2016-2021
Suffolk Lives Matter