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Village Halls and Community Buildings

Village Hall Survey Report 2020 – ACREOpens or downloads a document

Village Halls and Community Buildings are crucial components in sustaining inclusive and active communities, particularly in rural areas where fewer community spaces and services may be present.

They provide communities with a hub in which social interaction can occur, businesses may be supported, services may be delivered and physical activities may take place. 

We offer an advice and support service specifically tailored to village halls and community building trustees, managers and volunteers on the various aspects associated with operating these facilities.

A wide range of exclusive fact sheets and templates are available to purchase which clearly explain all aspects of managing and maintaining community assets. In addition we provide a regular newsletter providing information updates.

What you say about our support:

 “… this is another good example of Community Action Suffolk helping us with the way forward. I have been very grateful for all the help you have given us.”

A. Jones, Chairman of Martlesham Heath Pavilion.

Village Hall Insurance

We offer a tailor made policy designed to meet the needs of Village Halls and Community Buildings.  The policy is underwritten by Hiscox, insurers with a renowned reputation in the charity insurance field.

Visit Village Hall Insurance WebsiteOpens a external web page

Our Online Shop

You can purchase Village Hall and Community Building information sheets and model documents.


Why not check out our Village Halls and Community Buildings site at

On here you can register your hall for a free page on this site which includes over 200 halls across the county. This is a great tool to promote your hall, completly free of charge, and allows you to display a variety of info about the hall. This site gets thousands of views every month so why not register and give it a go!

This site is also a fantastic public tool to find information about other halls so have a look around the site and see what you find!

Safeguarding Responsibilities for Village Halls and Community Buildings

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, not only those who work directly with children or adults at risk. Safeguarding responsibilities are such an important part of running a charitable organisation that the Charity Commission states that ‘Safeguarding should be a governance priority for all charities’ (Charity Commission, 2018).

Please click on the below link to take you to CAS’s Safeguarding pages, where you can access further information, guidance, and support. You will also be able to access the free on-demand course- ‘Safeguarding responsibilities for village halls and community buildings’.

Crime Prevention

Suffolk Police has produced a concise library of crime prevention advice.

Contact Information

Community Buildings Officer
Email:[email protected]

For enquiries about Insurance for Village Halls:
Tel: 0845 4786 383
Email: [email protected]