Suffolk ProHelp is a countywide network of businesses which provides professional and strategic support free of charge to voluntary organisations.
Suffolk ProHelp was established in June 2001 and was previously run by Business in the Community (BITC). It is now co-ordinated by Community Action Suffolk and funded by The National Lottery Community Fund.
The Suffolk ProHelp business network includes solicitors, accountants, architects, surveyors, property consultants, marketing and public relations.
Businesses commit to undertake one-off projects which may include activities such as feasibility studies, structural surveys, marketing strategies, legal and accountancy advice and property valuations.
The guiding principle of ProHelp is that members approach this work in the same way as they would any other fee-paying customer. The only difference is that the community client is not charged for the work undertaken.
Clear eligibility criteria are applied to make sure that this valuable expertise is directed to voluntary and community sector organisations who are most in need and would most benefit.
Contact Information
Alice Wade
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01473 345327