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Warm Handover Incentive

The Warm Handover Incentive has been designed to encourage food projects to refer clients to important wraparound services which can support them out of hardship, specifically focusing on employment, housing, debt and/or benefits support.

Food projects will receive a payment of £30 for each person they refer to a VCFSE service that delivers support with any of the four identified areas.

The VCFSE organisations who receive the referals from food projects will also receive a £30 payment.

This short video introduces the scheme and explains why it has been setup.

Warm Handover is a secure, online referal system that is managed by Suffolk Information Partnership (SIP). It enables organisations to make referals on behalf of vulnerable clients, who may not be able to access services on their own.

By completing one online form, organisations can refer a client to multiple partners, and this means that the client’s story only needs to be told once.

Complete the CAS Organisation Healthcheck

This is a self assessment of your organisation. We can support you with this if there are areas you are unsure about or feel you may need to improve before applying to join Warm Handover

Click here for an overview of CAS Healthcheck

Click here for more details about CAS healthcheck and to download the self assessment form.

Get your documents ready

    • Data Protection policy

    • Safeguarding policy

    • Signed information sharing agreement

    • Organisation Logo (not mandatory)

    • Short paragraph about what your organisation does

    • Contact details

Send your documents

Send all required documents to [email protected]

You become a Warm Handover Partner

Once all required documents are received and approved your organisation will be added to the SIP mailing list and website, and you will be set up on the warmhandover scheme.