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Competition launched to find the most active communities in Suffolk

most active county picture

Building on the success of previous years, Suffolk County Council is once again on the search for Suffolk’s most active community.

Active towns and villages across Suffolk are being urged to come forward and join previous winners like Kesgrave, Sudbury and Brantham to shout about how they’re championing physical activity and sport in their local community. Whether it is dog-walking, yoga, football or Zumba; the county council wants to celebrate them as part of Suffolk’s ambition to become England’s most active county.

Launched with last year’s winners of the small village category Middleton cum Fordley), the competition is seeking out the most active town, small village and large village in Suffolk in 2015. Then at a special presentation event in March, the winner in each category will receive an engraved plaque as a permanent recognition of their achievements.

The competition is looking for communities that can demonstrate how they are getting people active, whether through new walking or cycling routes, programmes of activities in village halls, improved community facilities or new community events. Middleton triumphed in 2014 because despite its small population, they have a vast range of activities available to local people such as Tai Chi, Table Tennis, Rambling, Tennis, Pilates, Golf, Zumba and Rounders. They also proactively sought and secured funding to install a new cricket pitch and small pavilion.

Anyone in the community can enter online or via telephone on 01473 260722 to request a paper application form.

All entry forms will be carefully considered and those that successfully make it through the first round of judging will receive a ‘Most Active Community 2015 Finalist’ certificate.

A final round will then take place, before the winners and runners-up for each category are announced with a presentation evening in March 2016.

The closing date for applicants is 5 February 2016.

Councillor Tony Goldson, Suffolk County Council’s Cabinet Member for Health, said “The competition will give people the chance to celebrate the work taking place in so many communities. There are a lot of inspired initiatives and groups getting people active in Suffolk.

“Encouraging and supporting people to live active lifestyles in their community is incredibly important because it keeps them healthy and independent in the short and long term. These awards are about recognising the fantastic work of communities right across Suffolk so I would urge people to send in their applications.

“The opportunities provided in communities across Suffolk are vital in helping us to achieve Suffolk’s collective ambition of becoming the most active county in England.”

The application form and a list of frequently asked questions is also available to download via