We are looking for two people who are passionate about volunteering, to have a direct impact on the direction of the Suffolk Volunteering Strategy.
We know that volunteering makes a big difference to Suffolk lives and benefits local organisations, clubs, churches, schools and communities. When people freely give their time and skills, something magical happens.
For volunteering to provide even more benefits in Suffolk, we need a strong framework to enable effective support and promotion from all sectors of Suffolk, which includes the public and private sectors, voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector and citizens.
This framework is the Suffolk Volunteering Strategy and its Action Plan, fully endorsed by Suffolk’s Health and Wellbeing Board. Work is now underway to bring the Action Plan to life across the county.
A Steering Group of representatives from public, private and VCSE sectors will help to decide on the direction of volunteering. By working together, Suffolk aspires to enable more people to volunteer and to benefit from volunteering, creating a better, more cohesive, Suffolk for all.
We are looking for two enthusiastic VCSE sector representatives to join the Steering Group to advocate for all VSCE sector organisations from across the county, to ensure that the Action Plan supports the sector’s work. You are asked to commit to four meetings per year, to contribute and share your passion about volunteering, on behalf of your own organisation, but also for communities and Suffolk as a whole.
If you would like to be a representative, please complete the online form below stating in no more than 250 words how you will advocate for the VCSE sector and ensure that volunteering is vibrant in Suffolk.