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Data and Evidence Workshop: 30th January 2014

Joint training is being provided by CAS, Suffolk Community Foundation and Suffolk County Council around the importance of and how to access quality data and evidence to improve your services and help you attract funding.

This training will provide information on the importance of data, give you some practical hints about how to access publicly available data, give you a chance to look at how you can increase your evidence base for the work you do and show some of the support that is available to you to get the most out of evidence you capture and analyse data for your needs.

Date: Thursday 30th January 2014
Time: 1.00pm – 3.30pm
Venue: Britten Room, Endeavour House, Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2BX

The structure is as follows:


1) The importance of data and evidence:
a. In performance – Using data and evidence to identify needs and target services and improve services
Peter Knight – Head of planning and Performance at Suffolk County Council
b. In fundraising – using data and evidence to back up your case with Funders
Stephen Singleton – Chief Executive of Suffolk Community Foundation

2) Accessing data – the Suffolk observatory – practical how to session
Richard Calton – Observatory Manager at Suffolk County Council

Group work

3) What are the data and evidence needs of the VCS, what data and evidence the VCS is already capturing and what support is available to maximise the impact of this.

Please bring along with you some examples of where data would help (e.g. funding bids coming up).

If you would like to attend this training or get more information, email Stephen Watt on [email protected]