Suffolk InfoLink is an online directory of community information; local clubs, societies, community and voluntary organisations, childcare providers and services.
Is your organisation listed ? If yes, is all the information up to date? If its not why not visit their website and upload your groups details .
Members of the public and professional agencies are being signposted to this directory to find out more about the community activities and services that are available in Suffolk.
Social Prescribing, sometimes referred to as community referral, is a means of offering additional support to help address people’s needs in a holistic way. It involves a variety of activities which are typically provided by voluntary and community sector organisations. These activities are designed to help with a wide range of social or practical needs, and many support improved mental health and physical well-being. Examples may include volunteering, arts activities, group learning, gardening, befriending, cookery, healthy eating advice and a range of sports. Social Prescribing is currently being rolled out across Suffolk and is at different levels of implementation, therefore if Infolink can be updated it will enable access to as many voluntary organisations as possible.
For further information, please contact Letitia Flory | Support Services Assistant, Community Action Suffolk