Town and Parish councils across Babergh and Mid Suffolk are set to receive a total of £469,764 of community infrastructure funding the Councils’ CIL scheme.
Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds collected from property developers between 1 October 2018 and 31 March 2019 total over £469,764 and will provide a much-needed boost to 43 town and parish councils and parish meetings in the Babergh and Mid Suffolk areas.
The parish councils receive this money automatically and can receive up to 15% of collected funds from their area, or up to 25% if they have a neighbourhood plan. The Neighbourhood CIL monies are collected twice yearly and allocated to town and parish councils in April and October.
This follows the decision taken by the councils’ cabinets in March to approve over £420,000 worth of funding from CIL for specific community infrastructure projects, bringing the total CIL funding passed to the community groups, community infrastructure providers and town and parish councils in this round to over £890,000.
Tom Barker, Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils’ Assistant Director – Planning & Communities, said: “These funds, collected from developers and paid to our Towns and Parishes, are part of our commitment to ensure communities benefit from growth. By supporting Town and Parish councils and funding local infrastructure projects, CIL ensures that new developments in our district are sustainable and support the local community.”
A full statement for each Council showing CIL income and Neighbourhood CIL allocations between October 2018 and March 2019 this year is available on the Councils website at:
It is also possible to view this information via the CIL tab of the Developer Contributions Database.
In March this year, both councils voted to approve bids to use the funds collected from property developers under the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to invest in community 10 local infrastructure projects in Babergh and Mid Suffolk. In total £420,826 was allocated for the 10 Projects.
Bid Round 3 opens shortly on 1 May 2019. Further information and guidance can be found on the councils spending CIL webpages at: