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VCSE Loneliness Forum

The VCSE Loneliness Forum recently took place in Ipswich on 23 July 2019.

Delegates enjoyed a really informative morning with an introduction from Chris Abraham, (Chief Executive of CAS), Sally Connick, (Head of Community and Voluntary Action) and Ann Osborn (Director, Rural Coffee Caravan).

Delegates worked together to look at the impact of loneliness and social isolation in Suffolk and what is already being done to tackle the issue, followed by a presentation from Tracey Fuller (Suffolk Community Foundation), explaining some of the funding available.

By following the links below you can access the presentations from the day and a factsheet summarising official statistics on loneliness, these are results from the Community Life Survey.

Loneliness Forum 2019

Realising Ambitions East July 2019

Community Life Survey 2018-19 Loneliness Factsheet